Stardust Crusaders fan club!!!

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RAHAA!! Rubber Soul jumpscare

Ormai non c'eri che tu


about me

► Call me Gaal!

► I mostly go by he/him

► 20 yrs old

► I draw :3


► proships and genderbends makes me uncomfortable (trans headcanon are very much welcome!! <3)

I'm Gaal, I'm an artist who loves reading and making comics


► Jojo! I'm a fan of every part

► My favorite character is Mohammed Avdol <3 I adore minor villains and silly ships

►Marvel (comics and movies, mostly Guardiands of the Galaxy)

Fire of Soul

Hiroaki Tommy Tominaga


sily ships

             I have fun with


             and rarepairs,

             but my #1

             ship is Avpol!

some other ships I enjoy

Weathertaro, Rubber Soul x Oingo, Foolymes

I play identityv in my free time (RubberSoul NA/EU)

a family of four